Understanding, History and Types of Computer Viruses, You Must Know - SECELAP

Understanding, History and Types of Computer Viruses, You Must Know

Understanding Computer Viruses - A Virus on the liquid computer of a computer program that can duplicate or copy his or her success and spread by inserting a copy of itself into another program or document.

The Virus is also a program or software that is made with the intent to damage or disrupt the performance of a computer. Software as such can corrupt the contents of files, even those that damage the operating system and computer networks by damaging the various data contained therein.

The presence of viruses on a computer is difficult to detected, unless we are installing anti-virus software. Usually a new computer user realizes that the computer is infected with a virus after a damage to the system.

Virus spreading

Viruses can spread from one computer to another through various mediums such as through floppy disks, flash disks, memmory cards or other media. Viruses can also spread on the computer network via e-mail and bad Internet sites. Most viruses only damage certain types of files. When the virus infected file is opened by the computer, then the virus will spread to the files of the same type, so it will be a lot of virus infected files. If any of the files infected by the virus are sent to another computer, then the virus will spread on the computer that will receive the file.

History of computer viruses

The history of computer viruses began when John Von Neuman had an idea about a program that could duplicate itself in the year 1949. This event became the forerunner to the development of other programs that are damaging the computer in the future. The Virus that is spreading globally alone is actually created in the year 1986 which is named "Brain". Since then, the spread of computer viruses as it just started with a lot of different types of viruses from around the world.

The growing technology makes the development of computer viruses increasingly sophisticated. Many viruses began to be created since the early 1990's. One of them is a virus developed by Mark Washburn which is given the name Polymorphic virus. Then there is also a Michaelangelo virus that was released in conjunction with the date of birth of the famous Italian painter. The result that can be caused by this virus is also not a responsibility, namely can delete the entire contents of the hard drive in the computer. Computer users were briefly made anxious about the sheer spread of malicious viruses that could interfere with their computer's performance.

Emergence of the first Antivirus

The rampant spread of computer viruses propagated through media such as e-mail and software rather than unknowingly by developers and computer companies. An antivirus is designed to restore a damaged registry or script and run abnormal due to a virus infection in order to become normal again. The first recorded Antivirus was made to overcome any attacks caused by viruses developed in Germany in 1990, by an institute called EICAR. But before that was precisely the year 1989, IBM has created a program designed to counteract the Datacrime virus attack, which had been excited in the year 1989.

With the help of larger funds and the merger and acquisition of some of the world's antivirus companies, making an antivirus is now growing much better. The variant varies according to the needs of its users. Antivirus manufacturers such as NORMAN, SYMANTEC, and Kaspersky are growing in the development of computer viruses that are made increasingly complex and complex.

Types of computer viruses

Computer viruses According to how they work are grouped into various types as follows:

Worm, which is a self-replicable. In general worms do not infection the virus, but the dangerous thing is the ability to multiply so quickly that when the computer is attacked in a long time, can cause brittleness in the system because of data in memory and hard drive becomes large.

Trojan, which is a type of virus that is created in order to control and steal data that is in the computer. It is essentially a trojan that is not a virus, but because it is considered quite disturbing, people group it into computer viruses that need to be wary of.

Backdoor, this type of virus almost resembles a trojan, it's just that distinguishing, the Backdoor resembles a file that's fine like a game.
Spyware, monitor and spy on infected computers.

Rogue, a program that mimics antivirus programs and displays activities like normal antivirus, and gives false warnings about viruses. The goal is for the user to purchase and activate the fake antivirus program and to make money for these rogue virus makers. Also rogue can open a security vulnerability in a computer to bring another virus. Rootkits, viruses that work like the usual work of computer systems.

Polymorpic Virus, is a type of virus that integrates files with EXE or COM extensions, then moves them. So that when the file is called to be executed, it will automatically be in action to infect the other system. These viruses can also vary so that they can't be detected.
The metamorphic Virus, which is a virus that converts its own coding to be harder to detect.

The metamorphic Virus, which is a virus that converts its own coding to be harder to detect.
The phone virus, which is a virus that runs on mobile phones, and can lead to a wide range of effects, from damaging cell phones, stealing data on mobile phones, to making discreet calls and consuming the pulse of mobile phone users.

Memory Resident Virus, a type of virus that infects RAM. Of course the location is in the computer memory. This Virus will be active when the operating system is switched on. With the code owned, this type of virus will interfere with the process of the program's application that should run normally. The effect will make a system slow down.
Overwrite Virus, which is a virus that has the ability to delete infected files or data without changing the size of the file. So we will not feel suspicious about its existence.

Frequent viruses affecting computer/Laptop users:

Virus Shortcut. exe-a Virus that can change the extension of a program or file to a Shortcut. This causes no access to the document or program that we want to use.

Virus: Trojan. LodearTrojan Horse-This Virus attacks when we download data from the Internet.

Virus: W32. Beagle. CO@mm-This is a virus that sends mass emails to sites that have a low security level.

Virus: Backdoor. Zagaban-This Trojan Virus instructing certain computers to be used as a shelter to damage network or related networks.

Virus: W32/Netsky-P-Virus This one is able to spread mass email by itself to the email address produced by a file on a PC/local drive.

Virus: W32/Mytob-GH-this Virus spits on emails in bulk and is a Trojan for IRC on Windows-based computers.

Virus: W32/Mytob-EX-Virus that deploys bulk email and a Trojan IRC similar to the one in W32-Mytob-gh.

Viruses: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ER Virus-to the four viruses have the same karasteristics as the W32 Mytob-EX Virus above.

Virus: Zafi-D-is a mass and peer-to-peer email sender virus that makes its own copy to the Windows System folder with the Nortonupdate file name. Exe.

Virus: W32/Netsky-D-this Virus sends attacks through the IRC backdoor which also works to infect a weak computer.

Virus: W32/Zafi-B-This Virus attacks peer-to-peer (P2P) and the virus email will be copied by itself on the Windows folder system which will be named randomly.

The Bagle. BC-Virus virus is one of the most dangerous viruses and it has been ranked above the most immediate types of viruses affecting our computer.

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